2150 Kessler Blvd West Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46228
Main: (317) 259-5478
Attendance: (317) 259-5220
Fax: (317) 259-5453
2150 Kessler Blvd West Drive Main: (317) 259-5478
Indianapolis, IN 46228
Attendance: (317) 259-5220
Fax: (317) 259-5453Students & Families
• AFTA (After-school Fun and Thinking Activities) such as Chess, TaeKwonDo, Art • Choir • Ambassadors • Artistically Talented • Tutoring
At Your School – AYS
At Your School (AYS) provides after school care for an additional fee at Crooked Creek before and after the regular school day. For more information, please contact AYS directly at 283-3817.